The German show ring is very different from what most Americans have seen on TV if they watch the big dog shows like Westminster or other AKC events. The first thing that amazed me was the number of German Shepherds at my first show. I was amazed at how everyone recognized every dog and knew who each dog was by sight when to me they all looked pretty much the same. I thought they were all beautiful since I have always been a German Shepherd lover but they all looked very similar to me. There were a few that stood out with more black and red color or a more plush coat. Needless to say this show was a little overwhelming.
Once the show got underway then I saw how things really happen at a German show. It was raining and cold but the show continues as long as there is no lightening. The puppies are always first up and since they have the least experience and training they need the most "double handling." Yes this is allowed and actually expected in the German ring. The handler that has your dog in the ring expects you to run around the outside of the ring with all manner of noise maker and toys or whatever it takes to keep your dog moving at the end of the lead ahead of him. Depending on the number of dogs in the class there can be several dozen people running around the outside of the ring trying not to run over spectators and sometimes ducking behind someone so that another family member can take over. It is something to see and the whole time your adrenaline is rushing because you want your dog to get moved up a spot!
Once the judge has evaluated each dog and watched their movement at different paces he will move the dogs into the positions based on movement, anatomy and pigment. He is looking for the dogs that best represent the breed standard. Once placement is complete the judge will give comments on at least the top dogs and sometimes on all of them. It is nice to hear a judge's comments about your dog.